30 Days of Self-Kindness

 What if every morning, you woke up and set the intention to create a circle of kindness?

As you set your intention in motion, explore ways to show kindness to yourself—whether through self-care rituals, affirming actions, or anything that fosters a sense of self-appreciation.


As the day unfolds, reflect on what you might do differently or better to be kinder, more accepting, or less critical of yourself.

To assist you in this worthy goal, I invite you to join the 30 Days of Self-Kindness journey. Upon registration, you will receive a unique daily prompt for fostering self-kindness. Over 30 days you’ll engage in practices that nurture self-appreciation, self-acknowledgment, self-acceptance, and more.


To celebrate your efforts, share your experiences, and continue building our collective self-kindness muscle, you’ll be invited to Circle of Self-Kindness events.


Here’s what you can expect:

💗   A unique daily prompt for fostering self-kindness

💗  30 days of practices that nurture self-appreciation, self-acknowledgment, self-acceptance, and more

💗  A community of like-minded people* 


Kindness counts, and to scatter more kindness so that it may blossom and grow, I launched an ongoing program called – “30 Days of Self-Kindness.” I then signed up for it myself.

Even though I wrote the content, I found myself looking forward to receiving the email every day. There were days when the act of self-kindness was something I already did, others when I said to myself, “I don’t want to or know how to do this,” and still others when the events around me were synchronous with the prompt I received. All created an opportunity to treat myself with more kindness.

Others who have registered for 30 Days of Self-Kindness have said: 

“I was surprised by my resistance to something that I want and am working towards.”

M.T., North Carolina

“I find myself looking forward to it showing up and have often felt the synchronicity with something I had felt or just mentioned to someone.”

M.S., Virginia

“Through these daily thought-provoking insights, I realized my “self-kindness muscle” had gotten out of shape. The daily actions became my personal self-love trainer, encouraging me to take one small step after another to build a habit of treating myself with kindness. Thank you, Mindy, for this simple yet powerful program!”

M.S., Kansas

One inspiration for this offering was seeing a video where someone said – “A circle of kindness begins with you.” 

To expand on that idea, circles will be held several times a year. They are by invitation for those who are on this self-kindness journey.


A circle of kindness starts with you. I’d love to have you join me on this 30-day journey.

Once you register, make sure you have a journal to capture your experiences in building your self-kindness muscle.
Your first prompt will arrive by email 24 hours after you register. Be sure to check your spam folder just in case!

Sign up for 30 Days of Self-Kindness!*

You can also expand the circle of kindness by gifting 30 Days to someone who could benefit from some more self-care and self-nurturing. Simply enter the recipient’s name and address for delivery and use your own credit card details for payment.

30 Days of Kindness

Please use the email you would like to receive your 30 days of emails course
Credit Card(Required)



*The circle is optional but an opportunity to share what you’ve learned, ask questions, and gain additional insights.