Systemic Constellations

A Self Transformation Tool for Living a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous Life

What is a Systemic Constellation, and why is it helpful?

Systemic constellations are a transformational tool that offers deep physical, mental and emotional change. The process shines a light on repetitive generational patterns running on auto-pilot in our subconscious, keeping us from living happy, healthy, prosperous lives in the now, while also providing a path to transform and release them.

To get to the root of who we really are beyond these subconscious patterns begins with understanding how all of our experiences, beliefs, behavior dynamics, and DNA elements are interconnected. The combination, or “constellation” of these aspects reveal our inner origin story, and reflect how we became who we are, as well as our unique ways of expressing ourselves. Our personal expression is also defined by our bonds, sense of connection, or exclusion, and how we show up within our own unique family unit.

Beyond physical DNA, we also inherit emotional DNA. This can include patterning set in place by our ancestors up to seven generations back. Without realizing it, you may subconsciously, and faithfully, repeat generational patterns around money, relationships, career, health and more. These behaviors impact every aspect of your life in the present – even if they don’t “belong” to you.

The Systemic constellations approach takes a big picture look at all of these elements, in addition to the dynamics between family members both within and across generations. The goal is to discover key points of your personal “stuckness” to help you see and acknowledge old patterns, recognize their purpose, then step forward in a new way. When dynamics, traumas and secrets are revealed, the link they have to physical, mental and emotional patterns is released, allowing you to create more self-supportive behaviors and responses in the present.


What to Expect from Systemic Constellation Sessions

Learning to identify hidden patterns in your family system can be very empowering. Knowing more about how they form, why they’re limiting you, what purpose they currently serve, and how they need to evolve through you helps set you free to be your most authentic self!


Pain Points Addressed in Systemic Constellations Work

Even when we do our best each day, our body and intuition may be trying to reveal what won’t resolve on its own by presenting common pain points. If you:

  • Experience challenges with family members
  • Deal with repetitive patterns you cannot understand
  • Struggle with weight or feel burdened by extra weight
  • Feel out of place, or that you don’t fit in or belong
  • Experience recurring money issues
  • Feel something is unresolved, but have no idea what
  • Struggle to find a career that suits you, or thrive in your work life
  • Feel stuck in any or all areas of life
  • Deeply feel hidden loyalties that you don’t understand

These are just some of the ways generational, hidden patterns can impact quality of life in the now – and Systemic Constellations can help shed light on the roots to spark deep transformation and growth.

Examples that demonstrate the power of doing systemic constellation work:

A woman feels she should be more of a leader as the eldest child. After doing a constellation, she is reminded of the two miscarriages that came before her, making her the third child. When the two elder children are honored, this woman is comfortable acknowledging her role and how it fits more with that of a third child than an eldest.

A man feels guilty about spending money he has earned. He learns that several generations back his ancestors cheated others out of money. Once he accepts this pattern, he can then choose to do things differently for himself and for future generations.

A young woman has a challenging health condition, and discovers that a relative on her mother’s side had gone to war at a young age and did not return. No one ever spoke about him, yet several of the women in the family have the same health condition which “holds” the space for the “excluded” family member.

An immigrant is having a difficult feeling at home and flourishing in his new country. After doing constellation work that supports him in acknowledging all he received from his country of origin, and asking permission of his new country to thrive, he feels like he does belong and can flourish.

Here’s what some of my past clients are saying about Systemic Constellations.

Taking a Mindy Schrager workshop was a wonderful opportunity to connect with my intuitive sense of self. With kindness she guides participants to make previously unknown connections. After her workshop I felt inspired to do more exploration of both current and ancestral relationships. DB – Iowa City


Collaborating with Mindy on a Family Constellation session has absolutely changed and improved the way I relate to my family and the challenging belief patterns I didn’t realize were holding me back. Her calm tone and gentle approach helped me feel safe and comfortable, while her questions organically flowed with the tone of my responses to shed light on personal blocks, one by one. The session was tailor-made for exactly the type of healing I needed, and helped me to rebalance my mind, body and spirit to create a more self-aware, mindful way forward. As a Reiki Master, Conscious Colors Color Aroma Practitioner, and Shamanic Practitioner, Mindy was able to offer me something I could not give myself – non-judgmental support and understanding as a partner in my healing process to reveal hidden generational patterns and emotional blocks. She is a gem, and Family Constellations is a powerful transformation tool. K.P. – Colorado


Mindy guided me through two family constellation sessions and they were both amazing. With Mindy’s gentle and intuitive approach, I was able to gain clarity and compassion for my family history and made several breakthroughs in areas of my life that have felt blocked for a long time. I highly recommend Mindy to anyone ready to break out of habitual ways of relating to yourself and family, and is ready to make room for love and compassion. L.H. – North Carolina


How will this benefit me?

Gain a deeper understanding of the myriad of ways systemic constellation work gives you a new perspective.

  • Healthier relationships and more fulfilling careers
  • Stronger sense of self and feeling of belonging
  • New perspectives and growth by uncovering unconscious patterns
  • Deeper connection to your roots enhancing your ability to thrive


Our work together will help you:

  • Clarify the facts around an issue that needs to be addressed
  • Place the constellation elements using objects, people, and other representations
  • Facilitate the uncovering and transforming of the dynamics of the elements
  • Allow the process to settle (don’t think, let it sink) and see what shifts over time


Systemic Work with Mindy

Interested in experiencing this amazing work for yourself in collaborating with me?

  • Schedule a 1:1 session as a step on your transformational journey looking at a specific area of interest or challenge.
  • Purchase a constellation series to delve into the different ways the emotional DNA you have inherited impacts you in your life.
  • Check my events page and sign-up for a systemic program or a group session currently schedule
  • If you have a group of people who are interested in experiencing the work, contact me to discuss hosting your own group event.