Growth Pathway Series (GPS)

Are you stuck in a rut, lacking momentum, or feeling boxed in?


Maybe you feel devalued by others, unclear on the path forward, or disconnected from yourself.


GPS, the Growth Pathways Series, is a guided transformational program designed to meet you where you are, discover the disconnects in your life, and support you in creating new pathways forward.


What might a disconnect look like?

  • Does the career you dream of seem elusive or out of reach?
  • Does your opinion of your gifts and talents seem to mismatch the opinions of others?
  • Are you attracting unhealthy relationships or holding onto old grudges and resentments?
  • Are you challenged to focus on self-care, find excuses to do everything else, or sabotage your efforts?
  • How is your relationship with your family? Do you see yourself repeating their patterns?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions, know they keep you frustrated and unable to achieve your goals and free to live your best life.

GPS is a tailored approach to meet your needs and work towards your desired outcome.  Whether the focus is career, relationship, health, accountability, or addressing feedback – it all comes back to a blocked path. We customize the approach to move you forward by clarifying the focus, identifying your initial vision, and working to uncover hidden patterns and create new pathways for growth.


​Discover, Transform, Create

Co-Create Your Pathway

Choose Your Own Journey

Get Your Bearings

The GPS Designed Pathway – Co-Create Your Pathway

The pathway forward is focused on reconnecting the points of disconnection in either your relationship with others, the relationship with yourself, or the key aspects of your life path, or possibly all three.

Because no two life journeys are the same, Growth Pathways Series is customized to your unique needs, including desired results, time, and investment. Schedule a coaching conversation to design your journey forward.

Here are some examples of what people chose:

  1. Someone working through old issues from a divorce opted to complete Healing Your Heart Coaching. Because relationship patterns can begin with our family of origin, they added a three-pack of family constellations. Once that work was complete, the next step was to heal the relationship with themselves for which Blueprint Coaching was the chosen option.
  2. A person who found their career goal elusive and was receiving feedback that didn’t resonate opted to do a 10-pack of customized coaching sessions looking at the root cause of the patterns. That included family constellation work around the paternal-adolescent relationship. This transformational work ultimately led to their dream job.
  3. An individual who had a recurring pattern of number of years at a job, started with a handful of coaching sessions, and then added systemic constellations to look at uncovering where the pattern originated. They then opted for Future Focused Coaching to break through that pattern and choose their best path forward for career success.


How it Works

The initial conversation focuses on understanding your needs and mapping out the pathway to your destination. Remember, your journey is unique, so your coaching roadmap should be too. Together, we’ll concentrate on pressing issues, establish the ideal timeframe (6 to 13 sessions is common), and use transformational strategies tailored to pave the way towards fulfillment.

Focused and Custom Coaching

My work with Mindy centered on a program called Future Focused Coaching, which is designed to help achieve a specific, “well-defined goal that will move you toward the fulfillment of the vision.” Working through this course with Mindy was life changing. She challenged me to deeply understand what was holding me back and why certain aspects of my life kept bringing me back to places I did not wish to be. She kept me accountable, action oriented, and always focused on what I truly want for my life, no excuses, without judgement and without fear. I am forever indebted to Mindy for her patience, skill and guidance and strongly encourage anyone reading this to work with her without hesitation.

S.F. – Connecticut

Custom Coaching

I started working with Mindy as my coach last year. We worked together for nearly six months and I found the experience enlightening. I had worked with counselors before but never a personal coach, so I had no reliable expectations. I was impressed with Mindy’s ability to listen, interpret, and react to my comments with exercises and guidance that created breakthrough changes in perspective for me. In addition, our work together empowered me to stand up to my personal nemeses and move my life to a better place. Granted, I needed to come to the table with an open mind and a willingness to change, but Mindy’s confident and soft-spoken perseverance led me to the personal epiphanies I so desperately wanted. I am an improved version of myself thanks to her insight and ability. 

S.S – Washington

Healing your Heart, Constellations, Blueprint, Self-Care through Color, and 30 Days of Self-Kindness

Working with Mindy has been a transformative journey. We started by exploring my relationships through constellations and Healing Your Heart, uncovering family dynamics and the patterns playing out in my life. As I gained clarity in these outer relationships, Mindy encouraged me to turn inward and focus on the most important relationship of all—my relationship with myself.

Through Self-Care Through Color and the Blueprint Process, I learned to more fully embrace who I am. I also committed to 30 days of self-kindness, strengthening my inner connection and deepening my sense of self. Each step along this co-created path—what I now call The Mindy Magic—built upon the last, allowing me to grow, heal, and truly enjoy my life more.

Mindy’s intuitive approach and our collaborative partnership have helped me uncover blind spots, shift limiting beliefs, and break free from old patterns. Her guidance has been invaluable, and I’m profoundly grateful for the transformation we’ve created together.

M. – North Carolina

The GPS Chosen Pathway – Choose Your Own Journey

While I love working with clients to define the area of focus, along with the methods and programs to achieve their outcomes, some clients prefer to make choices that fit with other transformational and life events. For instance, I had one client who first attended an Aura-Soma introductory workshop and then chose a couple of family constellations. Then life happened, and several years later they opted for Meeting the Shadow, Ancestral Connection, and Return to Self. All key connection points but done in the timeframe they chose.


How it Works

You decide what programs work best for you. Here are some suggestions – feel like you don’t belong or fit in – choose programs in Connect with your Roots. If self-sabotage, self-doubt, or lack of self-care are most prominent, journey through Connect to your Self. And if your struggles are in career, relationships, money, or health, journey through Connect to your Path. All the options are here – I’ll be your guide once you choose.

Over the past five years, I’ve done transformational work with Mindy via individual and group coaching. The individual sessions included two Family Constellations, one around my family of origin and the other around a prior job. These experiences brought incredible insights about my relationships with others and the systems in which I live.

2024 was a challenging year and this fall, I participated in the seven-week series, Meeting Your Shadow. I’ve long been feeling stuck by something from my past that I couldn’t identify and these sessions helped me to dig deep and connect in a loving way to this part of myself. During this time, I also attended the hour-long workshops, Ancestral Connections and Return to Self. These were amazing by themselves, but even more amazing in how they brought additional insights and support to the work I was doing in Meeting Your Shadow.

I can’t fully express how much I value the work Mindy does and how much I grow and heal every time I work with her. Thank you, Mindy, for helping me to find my way.

L.H. – North Carolina

GPS – Starter Pack – Get Your Bearings

If you’re looking for direction but you’re not ready for a long-term commitment, consider the GPS Starter Pack to get your bearings.

Yes, long-term coaching is great (change does evolve over time), but consider the benefits of a custom coaching pathway that starts with as few as three sessions:
• Significant change can happen in two or three sessions (see the testimonials)
• Some people aren’t quite ready to commit to the money
• Others don’t want that long of a time commitment
• And no one practitioner can address all facets of your life (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual)


How it Works

Get your bearings with three transformational sessions that are most supportive of a current challenge. During an initial conversation, we’ll discuss your most pressing issues and identify the best approach for you to gain targeted support. Whether it be three coaching sessions or a blend of approaches, this starter kit will steer you forward on your pathway. 

To see how impactful a few sessions can be … see what happened for these clients.

What a difference a three-pack of custom coaching sessions made for a client focused on re-gaining momentum in their business. After receiving an update, this is what I reflected back regarding what came out of a few coaching sessions:

“You’ve restructured your time.
Worked on a project of interest.
Stepped into consistent action.
Are acknowledging yourself both the progress and what you can do better.
Reactivated parts of your network.
Generated opportunities while holding realistic expectations.
And as you state – are getting lots of things done.”

Checking back a few months later, the response this time was –

“I am swamped with work, work.”

R.H. – New England

This individual has done a lot of transformational work and a brief two-session GPS focused on a relationship.

After session one – “Interestingly, I feel quite neutral on the responsibility/guilty side and actually can talk negatively about my relationship with the person and no longer feel like a two-faced, inauthentic guilty bitch in their presence. I feel my protective self is helping me to do whatever is needed to diffuse her drama. THIS IS HUGE BECAUSE IT’S REALLY WHAT I DESIRE!”

After session two – “Things are going really well. The person was here for the second time this week and we’re getting along so much better. But more importantly, I have definitely shifted my energy, and my guilt and responsibility seem pleasant and normal. I don’t feel triggered at all. Or as judgmental, thank you so much!

E - Florida