Journey Thru the Life Wheel with a Future Focus
Move out of the past and into the Future.
Journey Thru the Life Wheel with a Future Focus
Change Starts Here
Change happens when we look to what could be instead of what could have been. That requires focus, intention and attention to the right things. But what does that look like for you, personally?
Join me for a guided exercise to help you identify your focus for the year ahead — and explore some of the Future Focused Coaching concepts in a supportive environment.

Shift Your Focus
Journey Thru the Life Wheel with a Future Focus is a virtual experience designed to help you:
- Create a balanced and focused set of priorities for the life you want to manifest in 2025.
- Build an anchor point to ensure your choices are in alignment with the outcomes you want to create.
- Shift your perspective and move a less-than-ideal situation in your life to one of ease and flow.
Gain Clarity
It can feel overwhelming at times to commit to making changes if our lives are unbalanced or out of alignment with our values. That’s why sometimes we need to look to systems and tools for inspiration and guidance.
To help document these goal areas and one word, I have created a life wheel with goal-setting questions in each core area. In this session, we’ll explore what could be the focus for your balanced set of goals and the “one word” that feeds your body, mind, and soul. We’ll look objectively at the following areas:
- Money / Abundance
- Home / Surroundings
- Health / Well-Being
- Personal Growth / Self-Care
- Spirit / Soul
- Fun / Leisure
- Contribution / Career
- Relationships / Connection

Here’s what clients are saying about Journey Thru the Life Wheel with a Future Focus
This approach to goal setting keeps my focus on all the components of a balanced, healthy life. I love the effectiveness of the process and the simple visual reminder you create for yourself along the way. I always have way too many goals, and this process helps me hone them down to the most meaningful and important ones. Having known and loved many different approaches, this one is a keeper.
— D.M.M, North Carolina
Make a Plan.
This exercise can help you prioritize different areas of your life and set goals for the future. But there’s so much more behind goal-setting and achieving a balanced life than creating a checklist. Many people need help with taking the next steps, which include asking themselves the following:
- How will you ensure that your goals are in line with your values, personal life and mind/body?
- Who will help you identify and overcome the inevitable obstacles encountered on the path toward these goals?
- What are the inner conflicts and doubts that you need to release?
- What are the resources and mindsets that will keep you on track?
Enter Future Focused Coaching, a one-on-one coaching program designed to help you shift out of patterns from the past that are keeping you from the future you desire. We’ll explore how you can apply what you’ve learned in the Journey Thru Life Wheel with a Future Focus session and move forward with greater focus and intention.