Return to Self

Return to Self is a FREE 60-minute experience
based on the concept that practicing kindness
can create shifts that result in transformative change.



Encircle Yourself in Kindness…


Change is an inside job — and it all begins with you and your relationship with yourself. Explore the possibilities of creating a circle of kindness and embracing your inner team.

Join me on this transformative path to self-discovery, self-compassion, and inner connection.

Enter Return to Self…


In this guided activity, I’ll help you:

  • Identify ways in which you might be being unkind to yourself
  • Explore how patterns and people influence your reality
  • Discover how color and other practices can support inner harmony. to create inner alignment
  • Identify the key members of your inner team to create inner alignment


This is an invitation to return to your soul,
to your true self, and rediscover who you are at your core.

The next FREE guided experience is

on Wednesday, July 24 at 7 pm ET