When something appears in my world three times, I take it as a sign to pay attention. This has been the case with finding options for my health, pursuing career opportunities, and connecting with new people.
The most recent situation in which this occurred was with the statement – I AM.
I first heard about the power of I AM when reading a post from a motivational speaker who has built significant success by creating and repeating different I AM statements. I found it an interesting idea although I didn’t pay very close attention at the time.
Then a friend of mine, Dorena Kohrs (https://spacedoula.com/) was doing a five-day challenge as part of her feng shui work in helping people create momentum in their lives by shifting things in their homes. In participating in the challenge, she had us choose one area of our homes/lives to work on. I chose the area of my home related to fame and reputation. A key insight I gained during this challenge was again connected to I AM.
I took this personal insight and was looking at it relative to a practice I had created which I call “The Commitment Walk”. I started this practice to connect myself to the vision of what I am creating in my life and step into it each morning. I realized I was using I AM statements through all the steps of the walk, except one. The one exception was when it came to owning my expertise (fame and reputation). It was the only space in which the I AM words were not present.
While shifts and transformations take time, these three instances highlighted for me the importance of creating a sense of self, including fully owning who “I AM” on a personal level. Based on my insight, I shifted the step in my practice and I AM is present throughout. A few days after creating this change, I walked into a store behind a woman who after seeing some instructional signs, said loudly enough for me to hear – I AM a rule follower. I chuckled to myself as I heard the reinforcement of the message of I AM.
How strong is your sense of who you are? Do you find yourself using I AM statements throughout your day reinforcing your sense of who you are or do you use more I DO or I HAVE statements? While both types of statements connect you to yourself, I AM is a statement of your identity.
Sometimes we need to find a way to come back to ourselves, to find a sense of self-belonging. If you feel disconnected from the truth of who you are either because you are in a life transition or on a journey of self-discovery, please contact me for a complimentary consultation to explore how coaching can support you.
© 2020 Systems of Change, LLC