With Self-Care Month underway, it’s a good reminder to consider the different ways that we can practice self-care.

Why is it important to practice self-care? I’d say it is to nurture ourselves body, mind and soul and support ourselves in living our best lives. What are the different ways you practice self-care?

Here are four core categories to consider. How do your self-care practices align?

Physical health routines. These include routines I’ve been doing since childhood, such as brushing my teeth and cleaning my face. They also include working with practitioners to address the underlying cause of symptoms that might appear on diagnostic tests. My other physical health routines are activities related to my general well-being, such as working out, following a specific diet, and taking supplements.

Take some time to consider the routines you create to care for your physical health.

Personal growth experiences. I love learning; it’s actually one of my top five on StrengthsFinder. Outside of the learning I experienced in my corporate career through my jobs, my learning journey expanded as I began to explore ways to manage a physical health condition. My personal growth advanced even further through training I attended to address feedback on my performance at work, which ultimately led to the transformational coaching work I do today.

There are lots of options for personal growth throughout our lives. What personal growth experiences have you explored?

Enjoyable moments. Consider what you love to do, what brings you joy, and what is enjoyable. Some things I put in this category are spending time with family and friends, reading a good book, going to the movies, and shopping, among others. For you, it may be exercise, spending time in nature, walking your dog, or planning a party.

How do you bring joy into your life each day?

Insights and Outcomes – I have a set of daily, weekly, and monthly practices ranging from affirmations to intention setting, as well as different ways of working through obstacles to meet goals and manifest desired outcomes. Alternative practitioners have been a key part of my self-discovery process as well. Self-awareness is the first step to any meaningful change and finding ways of being in inquiry brings underlying causes to the surface for exploration.

What approaches for self-discovery and self-awareness do you consider as part of self-care?

Below are a few of my blogs and a Brainz magazine article I authored related to self-care.

Need to fine-tune your self-care practices?  Try my 30 Days of Self-Kindness!

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