Mindy’s Blog

Self-Care – Creating a Routine

Self-Care – Creating a Routine

Over time I’ve worked with various practitioners, each with their own recommended approaches. I’ve also studied different approaches for personal growth and identified some health conditions needing attention. The result is that my list of self-care practices has...

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Stepping into Freedom – Aligning with Your Truth

Stepping into Freedom – Aligning with Your Truth

I was thinking of a video regarding an individual who achieved something others thought impossible, and a beautiful expression was shared along with the video content – “never allow the opinions of others, to become the myth that defines you.” That feels like freedom...

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Stepping into Freedom – Endings and Letting Go

Stepping into Freedom – Endings and Letting Go

In 2023, I wanted to rework key portions of my website to clarify how I provide value for my clients. I began my content updates with support from Katharine McMahon, Storybrand Guide and Marketing Strategist. As we worked through elements of the Storybrand template, I...

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Overwhelm – Contradictions

Overwhelm – Contradictions

Overwhelm comes in different forms, ranging from too many items on your list to numerous stressful events happening at the same time. Contradictory messages and explanations can often lead to a feeling of overwhelm no matter how seasoned or prepared you are. Here are...

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Overwhelm – It’s Too Much

Overwhelm – It’s Too Much

With holiday shopping, end-of-year events, and family gatherings, there is a lot on most peoples’ lists. I have heard from numerous individuals during the last few weeks, that there is too much going on. Too many tasks on the to-do list Too much stress triggering...

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A Circle of Kindness – It Starts with You

A Circle of Kindness – It Starts with You

In my mind, I continue to hear a phrase from one of the “kindness” videos I’ve watched. To paraphrase it – “Kindness, when done correctly, creates a circle. The circle starts with you.” I also remember a phrase from another kindness video. Someone pays for a homeless...

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Detours – How Do You React or Respond?

Detours – How Do You React or Respond?

All the “detours” that happened on the river cruise and the behaviors of people on the detoured trains noted in my previous blog, "Detours-External Factors" highlighted an important element. We all encounter detours, but how do we respond to them? Here are some of the...

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Detours – External Factors

Detours – External Factors

During the final day of a recent river cruise vacation, my husband and I decided to utilize the UK underground to get to a tour bus and see the city. The hotel concierge gave us information to get to the underground station, but he was unaware that on this particular...

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Intentionality – Letting Go to Return to Yourself

Intentionality – Letting Go to Return to Yourself

I first saw an Aura-Soma® training called The Seven Levels of Letting Go numerous years ago. At that time, I told myself I wanted to attend. It was my intention. Several years went by… and there was no offering. Then, earlier this year, I received a pleasant surprise....

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Intentionality – Bringing in Color

Intentionality – Bringing in Color

In making updates to my website recently, I was speaking with some people who commented on my logo. I mentioned that the colors were each chosen for a specific reason; there was intention behind the decision. After hearing that, one of them suggested I write a blog...

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A Difficult Difference – Twisted Truths

A Difficult Difference – Twisted Truths

While I experienced the impact of differences of opinion while facilitating work teams, it’s been fascinating to notice the ever-growing divergence of viewpoints and ways people share them, in the world today. In my facilitating days, I worked to find approaches to...

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Going in Circles – Stepping into Patience

Going in Circles – Stepping into Patience

When was the last time you heard someone say something like – just be patient, you need to be patient, or stop being so impatient? It’s been interesting to notice the number of people I’ve spoken with recently who are being called upon to be patient. Patience is a...

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Going in Circles – Ways to Step out of the Maze

Going in Circles – Ways to Step out of the Maze

Recently I attempted to get in touch with a local branch of a national company and found myself in a maze of automation. When I first called, there was a set of recorded FAQs that were helpful but didn’t answer my question about this specific location. I called the...

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It’s Complicated –  Pathway to Yourself

It’s Complicated – Pathway to Yourself

Someone recently asked me if there was a common approach and result for my clients. The question was due in part to my having a variety of service offerings, similar to practitioners that I have worked with in doing my own transformational work. There are definitely...

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It’s Complicated – Nuances of Responsibility

It’s Complicated – Nuances of Responsibility

I was speaking with someone recently and they were telling me about a situation where there was a misunderstanding and hurt feelings. As we discussed it, the person looked at aspects where they could take responsibility and at one point appeared to take responsibility...

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Meeting in the Middle – A Place of Balance

Meeting in the Middle – A Place of Balance

During a recent out of town trip, I heard myself saying to my husband – “stay in the middle lane”. I’ve found it a useful approach when driving in unfamiliar places since you limit the impact from people who want to speed as well as from those who want to drive below...

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Hidden in the Shadows – Your True Self

Hidden in the Shadows – Your True Self

After publishing my first book, I heard from numerous people that it was full of lessons. I have pondered that perspective over the last few years as I thought of the specific lessons I perceived. I was intrigued by what others...

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Bullying Ways – What We Suppress Persists

Bullying Ways – What We Suppress Persists

Growing up I remember being told to stay away from the cookie drawer. That request only caused me to want those cookies even more. Now having studied the systemic work of family constellations, I can see one of the core principles at work – what we exclude may expand...

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Bullying Ways – The Mirror in Name Calling

Bullying Ways – The Mirror in Name Calling

Recently, I saw a post with pictures of mirrors and a reference to the “shadow”. Since that is one of the core transformation approaches I studied and share with clients, I started looking around to see where it was clearly reflected in daily life. I quickly noticed...

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Remembering Ourselves – Where Patterns Begin

Remembering Ourselves – Where Patterns Begin

I thought I had a topic for my blog, and then the events in Ukraine knocked me off balance. I allowed myself some time and space to be present with what I was feeling, and an unexpected inspiration gave me a fresh perspective. Whatever lenses you are using to view...

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What We Leave Behind – Our Selves

What We Leave Behind – Our Selves

After several colleagues mentioned some new assessments tools they found helpful, I was curious to explore. With my interest in self-discovery, I wondered what they would highlight, especially now that I am numerous years outside of my corporate persona. I found the...

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What We Leave Behind – Honoring Our Ancestry

What We Leave Behind – Honoring Our Ancestry

I recently created a shadow box of memorable items from my family. In the same week it was completed, I had conversations with several people who shared that they felt younger generations today are becoming less and less interested in items from the past. Diminished...

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Starting A New Year – Core Goals and One Word

Starting A New Year – Core Goals and One Word

January is that time of year when I see emails about defining your one word for the year and your core area of focus. There are countless reminders to create your vision board, address your money blocks, commit to taking care of your health, and more. All of these are...

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Bullying Ways – The Mirror in Name Calling

Being Kind – Kindness through Change

There is a saying I have heard throughout the years of my personal journey – “our outer world is a reflection of our inner world” or, a similar version of the same sentiment; “our inner world is expressed in our outer world”. In my personal experience, this is true....

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Being Kind – Start by Being Kind to Yourself

Being Kind – Start by Being Kind to Yourself

I love the stories of the kindness of others - whether it is the videos of Secret Santas, neighbors helping neighbors, or groups of people rallying around those in a time of need. But how good are you at being kind to yourself through the actions you take and the...

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Sense of Self-Value – Are You Mean?

Sense of Self-Value – Are You Mean?

Bullying takes many forms. One common aspect of bullying that I experienced was name calling. Using a different variation of my name, a group of individuals would chant – mirror, mirror on the wall who is the ugliest of them all. What they were saying felt mean. In...

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Sense of Self-Value – Valuing Yourself

Sense of Self-Value – Valuing Yourself

A few months ago, I participated in several events connected to high-value clients and high-value programs. While I understand the rationale behind the concept, I found myself triggered by the term “high value” especially when used in reference to a group of people. I...

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Too Much or Not Enough – Finding a Balance

Too Much or Not Enough – Finding a Balance

Sometimes we think that more is better. A simple expression of this is when people trade up to bigger houses, more expensive cars, and fill their closets with expensive designer clothing. People who vie for bigger titles and higher salaries, or follow prescribed...

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Small Steps to an Outcome – Tiny Projects

Small Steps to an Outcome – Tiny Projects

Most of us are familiar with the phrase “eat an elephant one bite at a time”. The phrase highlights how things in our lives that may seem overwhelming, can be accomplished by taking on a little at a time. I saw this approach used during my years in corporate program...

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To Whom Are You Loyal – The Freedom to Disagree

To Whom Are You Loyal – The Freedom to Disagree

The news of politicians being censured for not following the party line, had me recalling something that happened in my college days. In my final year the department decided that we had to do a senior’s exam in my particular major in order to graduate. I chose a...

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A New Year – What Holds Us Back

A New Year – What Holds Us Back

When you look at your resolutions and goals from years gone by, what do you notice about the obstacles that got in your way and held you back from achieving your desired outcome? Can you see that some of them are obstacles imposed by the world in which you live while...

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A New Year – What Moves Us Forward

A New Year – What Moves Us Forward

January is the time of year when we make resolutions, establish goals, and determine how we move forward into a new year. As I was reflecting on some practices that I utilize and saw others discuss online, I noticed an interesting distinction. Some practices are more...

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Into the Divide: How to Be Kind to Yourself

Into the Divide: How to Be Kind to Yourself

As much as it is important to look at how we can come together within our families and communities, it is equally important to look at how to align within ourselves. One of my clients recently commented that after doing the work within themselves (inner work), they...

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Into the Divide – What Brings Us Together

Into the Divide – What Brings Us Together

Heading into the holiday season it feels like a good time to look at how we can be kind to each other, honor each other, and get along more easily. As I’ve read social media posts and listened to conversations, it is difficult to miss the divisiveness that lives...

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Not Good Enough – Uniquely You

Not Good Enough – Uniquely You

I was listening to a conference recently and one of the sessions was about the often discussed thread of “not good enough”. I was struck by something the speaker said when describing an experience she had before writing her first book. When someone casually suggested...

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Not Good Enough – Perpetuating a Myth

Not Good Enough – Perpetuating a Myth

I recently had a conversation with someone about a completed project. During the conversation, a comparison was made between the project and an outcome it was never meant to achieve. In that moment, I had a clear insight into how someone can create or perpetuate an...

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Choice – Impossible Choices

Choice – Impossible Choices

At times we have a single option, while at other times we have too many, making it difficult to decide among them.  We hear stories about individuals who have to choose between paying their rent and buying food or those who have to make a life and death decision very...

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Choice – A Core of Transformation

Choice – A Core of Transformation

It seems that choice is a word frequently in use - even more so these days - as we get closer to the election and hear the criteria people use to make their personal choice.  Choice is one of the core concepts in transformational work. I realized that all of the...

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Cause and Effect – One Thing Leads to Another

Cause and Effect – One Thing Leads to Another

During a recent presentation, I asked the audience If someone remarries, is their first spouse part of the family lineage or not?  The responses were a mixture of yes, no, and yes, if there are children involved. The answer is yes. The first spouse is part of that...

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Cause and Effect – A Reverberating Gift

Cause and Effect – A Reverberating Gift

Throughout my years of personal transformational work and trainings, the approach of family constellations has uncovered many amazing insights and created profound change. A recent experience highlighted for me, not only the importance of this work but how the system...

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Tending Your Personal Landscape – What is a Personal Landscape?

Tending Your Personal Landscape – What is a Personal Landscape?

Earlier this year, the Program Chair for the Raleigh Chapter of the International Coach Federation asked me to be the theme coordinator for the Q3 programs. The Board selected themes for each quarter and with the third quarter’s focus on Tending Your Personal Landscape, she felt that aligned well with my background and interest.

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Finding the Good – Revealing the Hidden Lesson

Finding the Good – Revealing the Hidden Lesson

For a long time, I was challenged to see the good in things that happened to me growing up. How could the way certain people treated me possibly contain anything positive?  The traumas, the being excluded, feeling deep fear and like I was never enough – these experiences felt overwhelmingly negative without an ounce of positive in the mix.

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The True You – Owning All Aspects of Yourself

The True You – Owning All Aspects of Yourself

In viewing the news, it amazes me to see the amount of name-calling, mocking, and other devaluing behaviors demonstrated by “mature” adults. The judgments spewed out towards people who are different from them, who have opinions that disagree with theirs, and who reflect qualities they seem to dislike.

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A Sense of Self – Shifting Identity

A Sense of Self – Shifting Identity

Have you ever gone through a life transition and asked yourself the question, who am I now? Consider for a moment, that major life transitions are accompanied by a change in how we describe ourselves. A change in who we are, our sense of self. You become an empty...

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A Sense of Self – I AM

A Sense of Self – I AM

When something appears in my world three times, I take it as a sign to pay attention. This has been the case with finding options for my health, pursuing career opportunities, and connecting with new people. The most recent situation in which this occurred was with...

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